Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Are we really like that?

Well, we met with our social worker this past Sunday. Afterwards we both felt pushed to the ground. Our social worker is a wonderful lady and very helpful and practical and willing to speak her mind. Which we do appreciate. I (Kris) guess we have never thought about what our family looks like from the outside. I have to admit when she retold me, my story, I felt like saying "these people are crazy to be adding to their family".
Yes, we have been married for 6 years and have had three children close together. Yes, we don't earn a ton of money. But - I know that our marriage had been through tough issues and has still come out on top. (Thanks to God!) and I know the money we make pays for our bills and we even do have a little left over for giving to others. (That's because God is always providing for us.)
We were told to think about postponing our adoption until we are in our 40's and starting another family. I'm sure that works for people - but - we want our kids to grow up together around the same stages in life. Maybe I'm too selfish and I want them to be close so they can share the same interests and stages in life because it's easier for me. I don't want to put this off. I don't want to wait until I have to choose between "buying a boat" or adopting a child. Haven't people all around us been telling us that adopting is hard. What better of time to do it when we are younger and have kids that will welcome her with open arms and hearts.
So after having my world of Hannah shaken and stirred. Feeling like I have to "let her go" ~ Peter reminded me that there is still a little girl waiting for us to bring her home and we have to trust God's leading, push through the doubts, keep going and not give up.

Even though this is an upbeat song ... I'm not quite "up" there yet. But it's a very hopeful song. ~ Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. hang in there, i don't think you are crazy at all. i think now is the perfect time to add to your family.
