Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Home for Hannah.

   This dream of adoption has started while Kris was a young girl watching a Dateline special about orphans in Russia. Whatever she saw has stuck deep inside her heart and it continued to grow slowly as she too grew. Joining Youth With a Mission in Montana she had plans to work in an orphanage while teaching English to anyone who would want to learn. Even though those where her plans Our Heavenly Father had different ones. She and Peter met and both of their lives changed after that. They both had their own plans and they didn't match each others... now what was to happen? (We'll fast forward the story for you.)
   They Married and had three children within five years. An Australian, an American and now Americalians. That's not all ~ The call of the orphans still spoke to both of them. So instead of thinking of adopting they thought they would sponsor more children from Compassion International. They now five sponsored children and still the call to adopt was ringing in their ears. That's when a friend gave them a book to read that kick their desire into gear. Mary Beth Chapman wrote the book, "Choosing to SEE" and it has changed everything. From the beautiful statements of children having a "forever family" all the way to trusting the Lord Jesus to take care of all our children because He loves us more than we know.
   While Peter didn't know, Kris was on the internet requesting information from a company that (needless to say) never got back to them. Thinking that maybe this wasn't the call for them she left the issue alone -except for looking for someone else to sponsor to fill the pull on her heart. As she was on Facebook an ad showed up on the side bar about "God's design to adopt". She was a little hesitant to click on it but wanted to check it out for curiosity sake. Nothing about it seemed fishy as a matter of fact one click led to another and pretty soon she was filling out the mailing details for a packet. With all that "blind faith", America World Adoption Agency is the agency they are working through. (Still Pete had no idea she did this)
   The packet came in the mail and it was like everything was in slow motion. She didn't open it right away but still the large envelope in her hands and emotions flying crazy in her heart - she torn it open. It was a beautiful silvery blue color with a Velcro button that kept it closed. A person who wants what is inside of it must pull against the hold of the button and be ready for what was inside. Of course thinking they made this just for her - they have a verse on the inside flap that reads, " For I know the plans I have for you." Declares the the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
What a perfect way to start a journey. A promise to guide and protect and to love us all the way through. That in itself was the encouragement she needed for her lively beating heart and the strength to open it the rest of the way. If she was going to open this packet she was going to go through this process and not close it up.
Faces of children that have been adopted spoke to her heart telling her this can be done. Countries that would be asking for parents to come and adopt their orphans stood out a little overwhelming. (She'll let Pete decide on that one.) One thing for sure was not going to be Africa. She removed Ethiopia out of the packet.
She eventally told Peter about the packet and they decided that they needed some time away to pray and think about this together. They were able to go to a B&B to pray, read and seek the Lord. We left that weekend knowing we will adopt but just didn't know from where. Needless to say - God worked on Kris' heart and asked her to follow Him even if it was to Ethiopia. Now they could start the paper work. Their goal was a little girl 3months to 2 years old (needs to be younger than Sam) from Ethiopia. With that her name came from their hearts as Hannah meaning "Grace of God".
    They made the initial application process and now they need to send in the forms and money for all the "agreements" for AWAA and Ethiopia. So step by step trusting this strong desire in their hearts that seems to be given to them by God Himself. For He cares so much for His children more than we will ever know.
It only seems right for adoption because we too have been adopted by God through His Son Jesus' life and death and everlasting life. Romans 8:12-17 "What's next Father?"

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