Thursday, January 5, 2012

Join the Ride.

    I don't really understand blogging or how to write on it. I have a really annoying habit to write in third person when I want to get a story out. If I use this as a journal then it ends up being prayers not really meant for others to see. Hmm, so please bear with me as I figure this out over time.
   I really want to put a face to Hannah like an ultrasound photo of course I don't have one and she may not even be born yet. It's a very weird feeling to feel pregnant with thoughts of a little girl. Some days I think I can smell her or feel her soft check on my face. That's how much my heart is being pulled to do this process. Peter thinks I'm crazy when I talk like that - but I'm really not trying to make anyone feel uncomfortable -I think it's just a way that God is using to keep me from over thinking about it and pulling out.
  I want something physical to remind me of her - I went out and bought Hannah a piggy bank. I'll try to put a picture of it sometime. Each one of our kids has their own bank that they put coins or birthday money in. Eli has a Noah's Ark from Uncle Chris and Aunt Kirri, Joey has a white piggy bank from ... well, the bank gave it to him when he was born (maybe because we had to take a loan out from his birth), Sam has an elephant that Peter picked out for her and Hannah's is a yellow bear that plays the song "It's a small world" when money goes into it.
Since I don't have a photo of her I'll put up our family photo we sent in to with our application.
oh - wow - I can't believe we got into the program with this quick shot of us. Maybe it's because of Pete's shirt. It's true he is a great dad. :-) We mailed this photo the same day we took it. Do you know how difficult it is to take a picture with kids and trying to get everyone looking at the camera? A memory in the making, I guess.
Here is a picture of the banks I was talking about.
I think Hannah's is so big because she costs so much more. :) Every time we get overwhelmed by the costs - we are reminded that "It is a small world after all".

1 comment:

  1. Hi Foley family,
    My name is Melanie and my friend Del shared your blog with me. We're also in your city (ok, town - lol!). We've just adopted two kiddos from Ukraine this last year so know a little of the path you are on. We have a blog which has chronicled our journey in adoption.
    If there is anything we can do to help, drop us an email. Praying for your great adventure!
