Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Help (ers)

Last Fall my friend, Suzanne, sent on e-mail out about wanting to see the movie "The Help", on a Friday night. I don't remember the last time I was at a movie theater but I needed to get out of the house and the title sounded like it was what I had to have. I'm not sure I can I enjoyed the movie, based on the issues, but I can say it was very well acted. This entry isn't about the movie topic but what happened after it. Before we left the seated area I noticed my former employers that I haven't seen since having kids.
Ted and Loretta Neher were there celebrating their anniversary and taking a break from their own work. They have always been special to me throughout a portion of my life. They have helped me with work before Youth With a Mission and after. More importantly, they have provided a listening ear, great advise and growth in my relationship with Jesus.
While at the movie theater we tried to catch up on each others lives as fast as we could. Learning very quickly that our "meeting up" might not have been by chance but by the Lord. We might be able to help one another out again. They needed just a little bit of extra hands with the work load and I needed to get out of my house more often for sanity sake also with the intention of saving all the money for the adoption funds.
Now Hannah's bear bank is getting filled with some cash that is purposely meant for getting her home. Without this opportunity with the Nehers we wouldn't have been able to send in our first application fees. It's truly amazing how everything hooked up perfectly and timely.
I wanted to make sure I shared them in this journey because they have been a big part of it already. It takes a lot of people and prayers to come together for getting Hannah home.
Thank you, Ted and Loretta for believing in us and wanting orphan's to find a forever home. Your work has touched so many lives in too many way to even count. I hope you are able to see the difference you are truly making in other peoples lives just because you have opened your door to others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I can't wait until the day you get to see Hannah for the first time.
Oh and Thank you for humoring me by letting me take your pictures. :)

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