Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tax time

I'm starting to think this is no longer our story but what we are seeing what God is doing around and in us. Every time that we look at all the details and the sacrifices we have to make in order for the adoption to even begin - well, lets just say it gets overwhelming.
For example, it's tax time and that usually means refunds for us because of our kids. Peter did a rough look over things and wasn't very impressed with what he thought was coming back. That's when a little panic started to set in for us. Peter usually does our taxes but because of the adoption and having to record everything we wanted to make sure we did everything right.
This past Monday we had our taxes done by a wonderful Accountant in town. To our surprise the money coming back to us and the money from my work is the exact amount we need to send off our first bunch of papers and to start our second phase. So many times I get all worked up inside just to see that God had already figured everything out.
So for now - we wait until the tax money comes into our bank account and then we send off our agreement papers, start our online training and wait to hear from the agency for the next "to do list". I wish I could post a picture of us sending off the files but that will come in time. (just like everything else)
This is our winter fun while we wait for ...

1 comment:

  1. Good plan! Yes Mikiah loves the sink and Dawn if I don't get to it before him! Do you have an account yet for people who want to contribute to help bring Hannah home yet???!
