Thursday, February 23, 2012

Step by Step

Some very good news to share for this week. I (Kris) didn't think there was anything to write about this week. Boy was I mistaken. First of all, Peter and I started our online training through a company called Hague Treaty on Intercountry Adoption. We started it on Saturday and finished it on Wednesday. (Well, Pete is still going through it - it's harder for him to find the time to work on it. Thanks kids for nap time.) It's 10 hours long and very detailed about all the different parts and processes with adopting internationally. Just for those who are interested in wanting to know what this course deals with here is a little summary :

1) The Intercountry Adoption Process, possible delays and impediments to the finalization of an adoption;
2) General characteristics and needs of children awaiting adoption including information on attachment disorders and other emotional problems that may result in children with multiple caregivers;
3) The impact of institutionalization on a child's physical and emotional growth;
4) The effects of malnutrition, substance abuse, and other known genetic health, emotional and development factors;
5) The laws and adoption processes of the anticipated country of adoption;
6) The impact on a child when leaving familiar ties and surrounds, and the long-term implications for a family when introducing a child from another culture;
7)Reporting requirements associated with Hague Treaty signatory countries, including post-placement and post-adoption reports required by the country of origin;
8) Roles and responsibilities of the adoption agency;
9) Resources;
10)Content mastery check testing that covers the specified topics listed.
------(taken from the certificate that was given to us at the end of the program) ------

Believe me - That was a lot to handle! After completing #6 I had a migraine that lasted the whole day. It really was good and very hard at the same time. It brought up issues that I never thought of before. I had a hard time thinking about how children have to relearn how to live because they are in an institution or orphanage.
I wanted to write all the steps out because I know there are some of you that are thinking or that are planning to adopt. There is so much to learn.
NOW - to some more exciting news... we have our tax money in the bank as of today. Today, today - can you believe it? Here I didn't think I had anything to write about but tonight we are signing our agreement papers and sending our check in the mail. So tomorrow Pete will have the honor of mailing off our next step.
Next we wait to hear from the agency and have a Family Coordinator assigned to us. That means ~ we will be starting our Homestudy. As of today we are two steps closer to meeting Hannah.

Are you as excited as we are? 


  1. Yes, we are excited as you are! Love the updates.

  2. Yes, yes, Kris! So excited for you guys :) Can't wait to talk more about it with you in person!!!
