Thursday, February 16, 2012

He has a plan

This week we were blown away with God's provision. It's funny how when we started out on this journey, I (this is Peter) planned out in my mind how God was going to provide for us. My first thought went to an opportunity I knew about at work, and that one of the ways God would provide would be through me getting that promotion. Well that didn't work, and I was a little down and confused as to how is this all going to work. Well, this week out of the blue, a check came in the mail from someone who felt led to send us the money to help us get Hannah home. It was such a beautiful reminder that God has ways of providing for us that we can not even imagine. It reminded me of a time when I was back in MT with YWAM when God showed just how awesome His provision is.
 I was driving a Discipleship training school team to the airport for an outreach, and passed through a town where the speed limit dropped from 65 to 30. Its was 3am, a town of maybe 2,000, so you know no-one was around... except the local cop, who caught me going 46 in the 30 zone. I was broke, and just didn't know how I was going to pay the fine. Luckily this is MT, and so the fine was only $125 for doing 16 miles over the speed limit, but never the less, I did not have $125.

 When I got home, I checked my mailbox, and actually found a letter (I got one maybe every 4 weeks, but checked it every day. I can't complain, I never wrote to anyone myself). In it was a check for $330 and a note saying "I was just praying to God asking what I should do with this money and felt led to send it to you". It was from a former student. What a perfect picture of God's provision and grace for us. Firstly, this came in the mail the same day I got the fine, so God had prompted someone to give, before I even had the need. Secondly, my need was $125, the check was almost 3 times that. What a perfect example of how God's grace is more than enough!
 Anyway, to make a long story even longer, the provision this week was a perfect reminder to me that God has a way of making things happen that are way beyond what I can think of as possible. I might have it all planned out in my head, but if things don't go the way I have mapped out, it doesn't matter, because God has a way planned, and I need to just trust Him in that. This weeks gift was a perfect reminder that God is watching over us, and He will help us bring Hannah home, in His timing and in His miraculous way. I can't wait to bring you home Hannah, and I can't wait to see how God is going to do it!

1 comment:

  1. truly "amazing grace", with the original and CORRECT usage of "amazing"..♥♥♥♥♥♥
