Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rough week, strong kids

This week has been nothing short of an up hill climb for all of us. The end of March means busy times for Pete at work with the quarter closing. All the kids got sick within days of each other with high fevers, coughing. achy bodies, up during the night and running noses. (not to mention constant rocking times with each one or more) With all that mixed together, this is household of very exhausted and cranky parents.
I'm reminded of a marriage class we took after we had Joey. We met with our pastor after church one day and he mentioned to us that we were in survival mode. It was kinda like we were on an airplane that needed oxygen masks and there was only one available for the two of us and we kept fighting over the "mask" in order to breathe. Meaning, we kept fighting over who needs to take a break more than the other person. The weak trying to help the weak wasn't getting us very far. I'm grateful that the "old" pattern didn't last very long this time around.
Peter caught on fast to what was happening to us and instead of arguing and complaining suggested we ask God's help to change our attitudes. I wasn't quite willing to stop my "fighting" side and at the dinner table one night - while crabbing about something, Eli spoke up and said "Ma, God doesn't like it that you talk that way - Satan, get away."  Ouch but that's what I needed to hear. I went from yelling to crying in less than a second. I apologized for my bad attitude and asked God to change me. The week has still been difficult but my heart isn't so hardened toward my family anymore and that's a miracle in itself.
I wanted to put a video up of the boys "playing" one of their favorite songs from The David Crowder Band called "Let me feel You shine" but our camera isn't working. bummer. So, of course with Eli's strong encouragement I'll post the song for you. It's truly amazing how much your kids teach you as parents.
What can I say we are a musical family. :)
Through all the chaos of this week, we did have some good news  - We have one more Aussie in the family! It's true Samantha is now dual citizenship. Our Oz family will be tickled with the news. :)

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