Thursday, March 8, 2012

We have contact!

We now have a Family Coordinator and a Social Worker working with us. Oh it feels so good to be at this part. A lot of people call this time paper pregnancy. I (Kris) know about pregnancy and this is much better to go through than dealing with hormonal changes. Really the paperwork isn't that bad. It's understanding it all, that's the trick. But hey - that's why I have Peter. :) Even though he gets frustrated with me because I ask really simple questions he does a great job to make sure we both know what we are filling out. The most challenging issue now is finding the time to sit down to fill the papers out. The weekends work great for that - we'll tackle another chunk of it this weekend while the kids nap.
That's where we are at time point... Filling out our Homestudy, meeting with the Social worker and listening in on conference calls.
 One of the biggest questions people have asked us (and we have to answer this in our Homestudy) is Why overseas? Why Ethiopia? (Now, I'm wondering if you have been thinking those questions too.) Well - I'll do my best to explain.
Why international adoption? - I have always wanted to. When I married Peter and talked to him about it we thought that we would check out other options hear in the States. So I contacted an agency and received form to fill out to request for more information.While I filled out Peter's part I just couldn't fill my part in it. I really can't explain the reasoning but I felt as if my heart was aching inside. I just knew this was not what I was to be doing. I really wrestled with God and myself because I knew God wanted us to adopt but I couldn't feel peace about it. I wanted to do it but something was holding me back.
The main reason why it wasn't to be was because I had little Sam growing inside of me at that time. Yes, God does know everything that's happening. We found out we were pregnant and the adoption was no longer an issue at that point. After Samantha joined our family - the adoption bug hit again. This time I knew it was to be international and I was going to wait for God's leading this time. And look at how far we have come?
Now about Ethiopia ~ I didn't care where we went I just knew some little girl was going to be waiting for us to take her home. Peter on the other hand, had always loved Africa and to tell the truth we just fit all the requirements. A lot of the countries were out of the question because of the requirements that we couldn't meet. So, maybe you could say that Ethiopia chose us.
If anyone has any questions for us please feel free to leave a comment. We appreciate the questions and the support.
I have to share a link that a good friend sent to us on Facebook.

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