Friday, June 1, 2012

Pain Produces Perseverance?

Now this is ironic!
Peter went away on a 15 mile hiking trip and I end up being laid up with a bum leg.
A little over three weeks I have been fighting a bad back and then now it's moved into my left leg. I enjoy getting things done. I don't care what it is - I like to see something get done. Not being able to move reminds me of my first c-section with Eli. Now that was a shock for me. My mom and Peter were doing everything around the house and I had to be confined to my room. Needless to say I am not a pleasant patient. I really don't feel comfortable with people cleaning up after me or doing things I need to be doing. Now it's happening again and I got to figure out a better attitude.
While yelling out to the Facebook world at how upset I was getting, a friend from church (Tiffany) wrote about how she is memorizing the book of James. I thought I would give it a look over.
Yikes!! Remaining Faithful during trails and counting them as gifts? Seriously, I am/was doing everything wrong and backwards. Here let me write a little down from The Message.
 "Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides (what?). You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors (oh this doesn't look pretty). So don't try to get out of anything prematurely (feeling the pain?). Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way (so, there's a point to our difficulties).
If you don't know what you are doing (yeah that's me), pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it."
Even though I really don't like to ask for help or how to ask for it, I can't tell you how these words warmed my heart knowing that God wants to help me. When I was in SO much pain last week my mind was not in a good place. I was thinking on things that weren't answers to my problem, but simply would have made it a lot more difficult with our circumstances.
The 28th - was memorial day and we were all wearing the same shirts and our family celebrated my Niece's 3rd birthday. All the cousin's were playing together, I had this welling up feeling coming out of my heart at how special it was to watch the whole family just be together. I stepped closer to Pete and gave him a side hug. (Something that we just were not doing, showing affection for one another) -
On our way home Peter mentioned to me that we didn't need to "get on the same page" with each other, we just needed to all were the same shirt. Funny guy.

                                                      Our Memorial Day celebration.
Oh and here is some family fun we had on the holiday weekend, until the slip and slide broke that day. :-) Hope you enjoy it as much as I did at watching it. Hee hee.

                              Oh man that was funny. Here is a picture to capture the best part!
                           It feels so good to be able to laugh again and enjoy the faces around me.
                                                  (even if they are planted into the ground)