Thursday, August 16, 2012

Catching up

Whoa ... it's been a long time and a lot has been happening.
 First off I just want to share that we were not trying to neglect the blog posting we have been debating what to write on it.
June was a very difficult time for us and yet a very purposeful time. I (Kris) ended up with a herniated disc almost right after the last post. We were going on a much needed vacation but ended up with a trip into the ER and staying at home for the week. While we were sad about losing our vacation time we ended up really enjoying our family time together for week without Pete working. Eli went to Vacation Bible School (which he thought was awesome!) and life just became a lot slower around here. Pete took care of the house, meals, kids and me. What a man! We also canceled our last visit with our Social worker during that time.
Now - Let me help you catch up to today.
We rescheduled our last visit with out Social Worker to check out our house in August (5th). We had all our papers ready for her and it went well except for a few more papers that need to be gone over. Those papers are being chased down at this very moment. I even had one lady say to me "It's great that you are still wanting to go through the adoption with all this extra work." I have been thinking about that lately and all I can think about it that it's my daughter waiting for us. I can't stop now. There is a real person in Ethiopia that needs us to come and bring her home. Don't get me wrong ... there have been times that I have questioned if we should continue down this very difficult road because of the stress. Wait - what!? Stress... believe me - I have been through stressful times before (all of my childbirths) this - is stressful but not anywhere near what has happened before. This stress is not so much inward but outward stress. People looking at our family, house and everything in between. If you are a very private person - I'm sure this would set you off a bit. Even through this process Pete and I are learning how we each handle things differently. We are learning that we do things differently ... it's not wrong of the other person, just different. (even if it makes no sense to us).
So - with this very quick update... (I'm sure I forgot somethings) our next step is to "ok" the rest of our Homestudy papers and then ... work out our USCIS fingerprinting and finishing our Dossier.  I'm sure you wont miss a thing. We'll try to be better at tracking the process of this journey.
Here is our family at the County Fair this year - the favorite activity for the kids were the big tractors. Here's a little clip of Sam getting her groove on. ;)

Here's a song I heard while working that sums up my heart in this process... no other place I wanna be.