Tuesday, November 13, 2012


We just finished our fingerprinting for another form. This is a very slow process but we at least want our papers ready to send off when we get the "go" from the government. We might have some more signatures and checks that we have to track down for some forms. but all in all - every time we something completed (even though we know we will more likely have to do it again before we see our daughter) we always feel like celebrating. But - today we are just happy that the process is still moving forward and that we have at least one next step done. 
Life is still moving fast in our house even while we are waiting. Eli is off at Preschool at the moment at the Fire-station. If anyone knows our boys they know that this is a VERY big deal. Joey is hanging out with me while I try to write this. Sam is thankfully taking her nap right now. Oh and Peter is busy at work and enjoying his new position as a manager. We are also going to be going to Pete's side of the family for Christmas and New Years. We are very excited to see are far away family. Some that we haven't even met yet!
Our apologizes for not keeping this blog up to date like we wanted to - but I'm afraid if we did you would be so sick and tired of hearing about our waiting.
Thanks for checking in on us.
Holding on tighter than ever,

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are still moving forward, even if slowly. Don't give up, it will be worth it. -Tim
